Okay, it's been 2years since I took a break from Vanglorious Legacy (not exactly two, if you look back, there's 3 more days left for a full two, so yeah, hint hint). Therefore, I ain't gonna re-go-through the details on why the V-Legacy was on hiatus.
Two years was a long stretch, and the way I simmed changed a lot too.
Presenting the new abode!
When I finally had every CAS-CC traced for the V-Legacy, and I'm very happy with that, it was time to build their actual home. I sledgehammered and sold every single belonging they had on the lot cause I don't feel so sentimental about their first tub or painting or whatever.
Cause I needed the fund, so everything must go. - No motherlode for this legacy.
Immediately when I started the game, the parents received a free vacation out of nowhere; to somewhere, so it was just the kids when I was building the new house.
I have not furnished the lot just yet, so there is no kitchen, no dining areas and such, but Hayden seems to be well prepared for the no-parents-home-while-house-on-renovations thing. I have no idea how did the picnic basket got into her inventory cause the last time I checked, I sold everything.
Except their homework, of course.
I had ways to get them food, you know. Like dropping by the gym's free pantry or call the pizza! But no, Hayden had a basket of food. So they're all good.
The last time I simmed on V-Legacy, I was on Ambition and Fast Lane; and Shadow People. Today I have up till Showtime and Diesel. And I don't know where this Tell Ghost Story interaction came from... probably Generations if I guessed right.
I have Supernatural, but I'm not installing it just yet, because...
I'm not quite ready for a Zombie invasion. - So far, I've only seen previews from producer's trailers. But really, yeah, Vampires and Pets are already a lot to handle. So the other life states in Supernatural can wait... -
Till Seasons. Haha!
Okay, I lied.
I have only ONE more CC to trace and that is the Default Replacement for their eyes. I lost it. And I have no idea who's the creator.
I am still tracing and testing every defaults I see fine. If you can help me, that would be awesome. Here's Ashton on her default replacement. She's probably a green eyed. I'm pretty sure it's green. If not, a grey (sorry, I forgot!).
And who knew roofing can be so tough! I think I just leveled up on Roofing Skill alone. One don't just simply slap a roof on top of a house. Easier envisioned than done.
Landscaping can be done after Connor receives his book royalties. So that's all for now. See you in the next chapter!
jiffey · 205 weeks ago